
How to dissolve the limiting beliefs to shine as a personal brand w/Brigitte Bojkowszky

Brigitte Bojkowszky Season 6 Episode 65

“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself." —Tony Robbins

In one of my recent masterclasses “CHANGE YOUR MINDSET FROM CORPORATE EMPLOYEE TO BUSINESS OWNER AND CREATE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE” I put the focus on a very crucial part of the transition process, which is "how to dissolve the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from taking the leap to being your own boss, the face of your own company, and shine as a strong personal brand". 

I applied the simple and powerful model “The 3 As of Change and Growth”  - Awareness, Acceptance, Action - to help them become aware of the situation they are in, accept it, and take action that propels and levels them up and ultimately helps them to change and grow past their limiting beliefs.

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