
How to develop personal effectiveness w/Lee Stemm

Brigitte Bojkowszky Season 5 Episode 55

Tune in to my conversation with Lee Stemm discussing about escaping the corporate world and making bold moves in becoming your own boss! 

We talk about all what it takes to make this transition. We go deep into what it means to fail forward, listen to your intuition, being consistent, having the passion and being intentional in your pursuit, and much more.

Lee Stemm puts her clients first! She takes the time to stay to talk to her clients.  She is having real, hard and open conversations with her clients. Doing so they uncover by themselves how their thoughts dictate their behavior. And she is a great listener what makes her clients move forward. That’s a huge part of her strong authentic personal brand. She only became aware of that when clients told her, which shows the power of feedback. 

Lee Stemm states that personal branding is no BS marketing. It's about rolling the sleeves up, understanding that it takes time to actually build the business. You need to be inspired and you need to keep on track, be accountable and you need to have the willingness to keep moving forward and taking action.

Lee Stemm  is a Mindset Coach | Business Marketing Strategist | Corporate Trainer. She coaches business owners, in particular women business owners, who are wanting to grow their business, increase leads, conversions and more profits. She does this by implementing strategic marketing strategies that will assist them to dominate in their market whilst putting in place the strategies that will not cost them a cent.

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Ready for brand stories get inspired and learn from thought leaders, CEOs, business owners, and managers who tell their brand stories who share their valuable insights from their own experience. Welcome to BrandsTalk. I'm your host Bridget. For brand lovers this show is to help you develop and grow your brand in a more strategic and sustainable way. Walk the Talk. Let's get started and dive with me into the world of brands. Today, I have the pleasure to have Lee Stemm on my show. She is a mindset coach, a business marketing strategist and corporate trainer. She coaches business owners in particular women business owners, who are wanting to grow their business increase leads conversions and more profits. She does this by implementing strategic marketing strategies that will assist them to dominate their market whilst putting in place the strategies that will not cost them a cent. She owns qualifications with 20 years of experience as a consular master coach, master NLP practitioner, corporate trainer, and reach consulting practitioner extended disc facilitator. Oh my god, keynote speaker and online course launch Vizard. And she is a community builder. So I warmly welcome Lee Stemm. Welcome to Brandstalk. Hello, everyone, Lee here. And I'm so excited to be here. And thank you so much Brigitte for that introduction. Oh, gosh, it made me blush all those. So thank you so much. I'm really looking forward to ask chatting today. And, you know, give me some great value to your audience as well. So thank you, everyone, for listening. Let's get started. Where do we go from here, Bridget? Let's get started Lee. So I'm so glad to have you here today to talk about women in business and in workplaces more efficient, and how to develop his personal effectiveness. So Lee, let's start out with your background and tell us a little bit about your journey. Sure, that's fantastic. Remembering back a sheep as we're talking about journey. And I remember sitting in a corporate office, and I hated it absolutely hated my work. I was in a very male dominant area. And I was a leader. And but I love fitness. And what I would do is I'd watch the clock all day, but have my shoes on my running shoes on under my desk ready to escape at 5pm. Yeah, it was like, let me get out of there as soon as I can. So it got to the stage back then, because I've been in business as you know, since 2001. But back then, there wasn't really a lot of support. And there was no not much professional development. I was actually in the public service in Australia. So there wasn't a lot of support. And I was in a very male dominated industry as it was it and back then in 2001, not many women were actually in the IT area as well. So I experienced being excluded. I experienced bullying, you know, being put down because I'm a female and an enemy die, I'm cry, I would actually cry. I was so upset that I would cry. So I just decided to leave. It was like it was it was thinking back now was the best decision I made. But back then it was terrifying, rigid. I had no business experience. I didn't know what to do. But I had to I knew I had to leave because my mental health was destroying me after destroying me. So in that meantime, I had won like four Australian championships in martial arts as well. So I was very much active very much in the fitness industry. And of course, I thought that I would become a personal trainer, you know. So, so I went along and started my business and I got ripped off because I had my own personal trainer. And he asked me did I you know, could I go into business with him? And I thought that the the the sky had opened up I thought that it was just amazing offer that I was actually invited to be a partner in this and he has fitness adventure. So I left this job and drew all my super out and I gave it to him to be honest Nah, no contracts, no business savviness nothing. Six weeks, six weeks later, he comes to me. And he says to me, I don't want you as partner. I just wanted your money, you're ugly, You're horrible. He put me down and I was distort, now had lost all of my savings didn't have a job. Didn't know what so I had no business sense. But I knew that I had one thing Bridgette, and that's resilience. Because, you know, I believe that all women, when our back is to the wall, the wall, we rise, you know, when we have to we rise. So I started going to, you know, I started going around and doing a personal training. I had this client one day and she said to me, she stopped and she said me, why are you so angry? And I went, I'm not angry. What do you mean by angry? I'm not angry? What do you mean by angry? Because I want to also explain that I came from a family that never had any emotional conversations, no, emotionally absent. So I didn't know what, you know, self awareness was all personal about what it was whatever. So she handed me a brochure to attend a personal development programme. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me that changed my whole life. So that's where I got really merged in no personal empowerment, you know, stallion think about what was important, my life starting to change. And in 2002, I think it was, then I transitioned into my coaching and training business, and, you know, lots of adventures to where I am now today, but it's been the most, when I look back at all the stress I had in the house as well. If that didn't happen to me, I may still be in a job that I hate. So sometimes things happen to us. And it leads us to a new direction and our life. And everything is perfect. Yeah. So that's a little bit about me. Yeah, I mean, I congratulate you to that decision to leave your corporate job. And I think there's so many people out there that hate the corporate job, they're chopped, they're in and do not do anything, because everything else is too, too much unknown, it's too risky to make this bold step forward. And you had the courage, the courage to change situation, going into something you do not know what is going to come how it is going to turn out. So congratulations on that. But not many people, especially, I still think women because I'm really doing a lot of research in in that regard. That really having that having that courage to go that step. And as we say, you have to stay back to the wall, then be rise need to have this resilience. That gets us to the next step, the perseverance then also to, to go through all of that, right? Because it doesn't happen from one day to the next there is personal development, and there is this growing phase that you have to go through. Yeah, and my question to you now, so you made this big step in 2001. I remember. And so what was your big why? What is your, your also your vision, that you have started your own business? Well, obviously, I think in business, your y changes. Now as we as we move through business, experience more things, and we get more clear. I think one of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs do when they first started businesses, they want to work on everything straightaway. It's almost like I want to know everything straightaway. But sometimes, we don't know how big war until we experience things that are not as big why, you know, it's action taking along the path, and then you go to the dead end on the monster turns up, you go well, that's not the right way to go. I need to go a different way. But I tell him, it might be wise now because I mean, it's evolved a lot because a lot of things have happened to me within the 21 years of being in business. So might might be why now is to empower women, but but also women who who was tapping into entrepreneurship because and I think my biggest why now is to get rid of all this BS marketing that's out there. You know, like, if you do this one thing, everything's gonna change you know, I remember when I first became a coach in 2002 there was no advertising then going around about sitting on a beach of a laptop, you know, getting a six figure income and everything coming in straight away and he ain't gonna do anything about it. You know, no one back then no one talked about marketing. It was just like, do my do my coaching programme you'll be on the beach. That's it. So my big wine now is I'm thinking, as I'm talking is about teaching women, business savviness. To understand, you can be really ripped off. And if you don't have that savviness of how to make decisions, yes, you will learn it through your mistakes or guided. But it's so nice to have someone who can reach down and pick you up and show you the right direction as well. And at the same time empowering the women to not to be afraid of the unknown to grab life and, and not to be afraid of making mistakes or failing, but to fall forward, to go forward and keep learning because that's how you learn is by failing forward and making mistakes. And when you make your mistakes or whatever you're doing, then you've got real feedback to go. Okay, that didn't work. Why didn't it work? So that self reflection is important. But I think business success is about 80% of psychology, and 20% is having really good strategies behind you. So I really like what you're doing. And can you go a little bit deeper into your set that you want to achieve the the seven s that a women have, and to empower them with that. So making them making personal development more effective. So how do you do that? So what is that what you offer, I think it's about tapping into your intuition, they have rigid a lot as well. You know, when you listen to people, like I listen to people all the time, I remember I first started, I would go to a networking event, and someone would sit beside me and they'll go, hey, you need to have $20,000 on our website, or something like that. And as a newbie, you don't really know what you need to know, within your business, you haven't got that savviness yet, but it's about listening to your intuition. And if something doesn't feel right, then it's sitting back and reflecting and making a decision that this doesn't quite feel right. It's not aligned with my value. So having that base core values of your vision, your mission, who you want to be and who you want to become, and making the selection as to who you want to become as a business owner, as well. And when opportunities come to you, you ask yourself a powerful question. And my powerful question used to always be, if I do this x this thing? Will it lead me closer to my vision? Or will it distract me towards towards someone else's vision, for example. So I think it's having that savviness and listen to your gut, feeling their intuition, but also taking time to really understand your mindset. And know that when you're feeling emotions, and fear about the unknown, because we all have doubts, it doesn't matter how successful your business, when you go to the next level within your business, you will have those doubts. So it's about understanding that they're normal to say you're perfect, who you are, instead acceptance, and also kicking that monster out of your head and saying to that monster, you're not welcome to this meeting today. You're outta here. And you know, the old saying is feel the anxiety, feel that, that suppose that excitement mixture with uncertainty, but still take action still move forward? That's important. Yeah. As you say, taking action is the antidote of being in fear, having fear, living in anxiety. So getting out of that is really saying, yeah, nice to be here, here. But you stay there. And I always say, take the back seat in my car, buckle up, because it's there, but I'm going forward. And that means taking action being courageous, because fear and taking action cannot coexist. So, that is a bold thing to do. And we have to remind ourselves and to also, as you say, Listen to your intuition. We have to learn that again. Now we are conditioned to you know, be conventional go with the flow, but we have to reflect to what we already know what is in us and listen much more to that to that voice. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, and taking the action. I think that's really important, because you can go wrong, you know, if it doesn't work, you just Something different. That's it, you know, it can't go wrong. But many, I think many women in business, they want to get to the perfect first they want to be they spent all their time worrying about Which camera should I use, it doesn't matter. Use your phone on your phone camera to start with, you know, the make it really easy, or what platform should I go on. So they they distract themselves by asking anyone else's advice, where they can make things really simple. Pick up a phone, do a Facebook Live or whatever, and reflect on that as you develop your skills more, and look back and go, gosh, I've improved so much, you know, and I've improved because I was willing to keep on taking action. So action is really important. But when you take action, it's also to look at reflecting back on the action to see if you need to change your approach to see if you need to change execute differently. Because you don't want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, not getting any traction in your business as well. So it's being open for new ideas as well. Yeah, so when you are taking action, you are learning you're learning from your and I wouldn't even call it failures or mistakes. It's another way to learn. And as you said before, you are failing forward, you are leaping forward. It makes you richer in experience, and you know what is not working and you can pivot from that. And waiting until something is perfect will not get you anywhere. And I think the entrepreneur, what they do is I have false expectations. Because of the advertising out there. The false. The false expectations is I'm going to leave my corporate job or whatever. And I'm going to have this business straightaway success straightaway. But I can tell you, the the secret sauce behind success in entrepreneurship isn't a strategy. It's about having consistency, having resilience, having a passion, having a hand up for what you want to do that you keep picking yourself up. And you keep moving forward and surrounding yourself with people who will encourage inspire and uplift you don't go alone. It's too hard. Yeah, absolutely. The Law of Attraction always focus on where you want to be and be really intentional. Who you're going to surround yourself with? And what are the people who can help you on the way the people that you connect with also on a visceral level that you share something with, right? So yeah, and having that consistency being out there. And also a certain amount of vulnerability because I think you connect when you're a human being when you are like you are and there is nothing that is kind of masked. And again, we are back in this circling back to being perfect. Nobody can be perfect. Yeah. And I think just to show your, let's say authentic self. Yeah, that's who you are. That's that's the way of yeah, you you want to be perceived in the market. And you have the the visibility that makes you as a as a strong brand. At the end of the day. Yeah, absolutely. And I think it's about vulnerability, show strength. And vulnerability shows relatability as well. I know, I see, you know, people who have maybe been in business for 20 years on the online and, and they've gone through the hard first few years of grounding, and they've got success, because they're consistent. But when they start bragging about how many, how many 1000s or millions of followers, and everything else as well, what it does to the new business owner, it makes them feel like they're inadequate, or there's something wrong with them, or that that goal is too far out of their reach, for example, but when we're vulnerable, and you're Hey, I'm just like you, I struggled when I first started my business, just like what you're doing. And I know it's tough, that that brings in the relatability and the empathy. And people go, I like her because she's not trying to give us false expectations. Because if you're going to be in business, you're going to have to work on it as well. It doesn't there's no, there's no overnight successes. And that's why you got to have that foundation of hunger, and that foundation or passion and everything else as well to keep yourself going forward as well. Yeah, absolutely. So I'm really I have question regarding women. Why are you specifically focusing on women in personal development? I think because I got, because what happened to me because L. L blueprints, our beliefs of our past will always help us to make important decisions in our future. Because I was in a very male dominated area. I know, I just saw so many women and I see women today that they they put that they almost in some way hold themselves back. Yeah, for getting opportunities within the career and business, everything else as well. So I've got a soft spot for women. And I want to work with women, because I find when women as well, they have more heart centred conversations, you know that they're more trusting, and you can get to them talking about, you know, really in depth conversations, more so than some men, because I found a lot of men that I've worked with in the past, they'll very guarded, you know, they didn't want to go to have those deep conversations. And we know those deep conversations is where change occurs when you when you start looking at your identity, your beliefs and values. That's where your long term change occurs as well. So I've got that, that soft spot for women, I think. So I asked myself if I was on a deserted island, right. And I was in a deserted island. And I had to hang out with my Beloved beloved clients, or my dream clients. Who would they be? What what characteristics were looking for this is a deeper than avatar, where this is right down deep as if I was gonna hang out we were hanging out with and that was women, I could see myself sitting around a circle on the desert island, no laughing, telling lies, and big Whoppers and having fun and having heartfelt conversations. So and so it's almost like a sisterhood. So I really resonate to that type of movement to supporting women. And there's nothing wrong with men. I've had men as clients. In fact, how I got to the corporate arena was I a general manager, Raymond Faulkner, you know, and he just raved about me. So it's not against, it's not anti men at all. It's just my preference. It's just who I want to serve. And who gives me energy? It sounds beautiful. And you're also having different programmes. And now you're also a LinkedIn broadcaster, you have your own life show. And I yeah, I'm honoured I was your guest. So it was really fun to be on your show, too. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Why did you started and what? What was your intention? I think it's also women that you are interviewing, right? Yeah, yeah. That LinkedIn show the the audio of LinkedIn show was not to, not to what to say, to help people to understand different principles, and different ways through conversation. So it wasn't really about giving the 10 tips for something. But I wanted to have a very informal show, where I spoke with women, and we were equal, there wasn't an expert with me, we were equal. And we were just having a conversation as if we were sitting around a table with a cup of coffee. And we're having conversations and we're bouncing ideas off of each other. So very relaxed, very informal, back, we would talk about topics. And specific one that you are with me, Bridgette as well. It was around our leadership, and in branding and business leaders as well as workplace leaders as well, because I serve both. Because to me, leadership is so important, because leadership is who you are, and who and how you show up to me as leadership. It's not about knowing the exact communication strategy 123 It's about caring for people. So I got really excited doing that of actually having having these wonderful women that I've met through my entrepreneurship that we connected with, like yourself, Bridgette, to come on board and graciously give their time and just have a conversation was no stress, nothing bad. It was just amazing. And people, I think people learn better from hearing stories, and hearing discussion groups, then having passive learning like you're at school, you're sitting down not doing anything and all that sort of thing as well. So so my idea was just to give and there was no promotions, as you know, on those on those interviews and things that was just to give unconditionally to my audience who are listening in. Exactly. I mean, I love that you've mentioned and you're learning from stories. And also when I still teach at universities and when I try to explain something, I use stories because I feel like then I see them listening. They're on spot. And then, and it is like that you're connecting really on the emotional level, you're touching their hearts, because they see themselves in the story. And then they remember that much more. So you're not directly connecting with the mind or the head. But you're connecting wire as a secondary thing via your heart to the head. So that's why we love stories. Yeah, because we have our own movies in our head. And, and that's what we remember. And I see also my students then in the exam, they come with my stories. So it's really interesting, and it's nothing that they need to study. It's just there you have it, you understand it? Yeah. Yeah. And stories and stories have been embedded from us. You know, when we're little kids at nighttime, our parents will always come up beside us, and tell us the story. And I'm in my brother's, you tell me stories of the big monster around the bed, they're gonna jump out and grab you and we walk around and we get scared and scream, you know what kids do? So we'd like, we're all conditioned with stories. And in, I think it's really great to be able to speak authentically and use stories as metaphors and ways to help people to gain their own insights. So we're not telling, we're not telling or dictating or trying to put our values on the people as well. Because I know that my NLP training, the idea of open loop stories and metaphors, allowed my clients to gain their own learnings, their own insights, so they start to move forward and start to create that long term challenge. Yeah, so yeah, they get to pick out of this story, whatever they need for their personal development, to for them, and but can can help them to grow. Yeah. So since you're also in the educational realm, with the coaching and online courses, and having been in business for 20 years, you have built your personal brand, and you help others in that sense, also to build their personal brand. So what does personal branding mean to you as and especially in the context of them, and your personal branding to me is, how you how you present yourself how you actually show up? You know, it's to me, personal branding is, you know, am I caring for someone? Am I person who, who puts my clients first? Do I take time to stay to talk to my clients? So to me, it's, it's to me, obviously, it's, I'm not a glamour person, for example, I'm more of being authentic, being real, having hard open conversations, great listener. But I have the ability was a part of my personal branding. And this is what someone else told me, I wasn't even aware of it. And this is the power of feedback. And they said, I had the ability to ask questions, so that I can drill the person down. So they uncover how their thoughts dictate their behaviour, without me telling them. So I love that because that's to me, it's about when that happens, my clients get the shifts that they need to get, which which moves them forward as well. So yeah, I'm very against. And of course, primer branding is no BS marketing. It's like, let's, let's be honest here. Let's roll our sleeves up. Let's understand it takes time to actually build the business, roll our sleeves up, I will inspire you. I'll keep you on track. I will keep you accountable. All you need to do is have a willingness to keep moving forward and taking action. Great. Thank you so much for sharing that. So let's circle back to failings. You mentioned failing forward and love stories. So I would like to know. Do you have a story about yourself where you failed forward? Was there anything a roadblock, a detour that you have to take that was so pronounced that was so significant, that you you learned and grew from it forward? Yeah, I'm in 2016. So I love I love my coach and love my corporate work. But in 2016, I had a traumatic experience was really changed how I moved forward in my business to what is today it was a catalyst. And what happened with me I had actually got cancer And I had to have a complete nose reconstruction, to last my whole nose. And it took like seven operations in one year to do the construction. And then I had a year of depression afterwards, because here's a woman who did martial arts and very active every day, up until my job's pretty close to No, I was pretty close to 60 at that time, and a champion, and all of a sudden, I that was taken away from me, that wasn't my passion as to what I loved was taken away from me. Because during those all those operations, I couldn't, I had my nose covered over because you go through a reconstruction process that, you know, we know, for first six, six months, six weeks, you have no nose at all, and things like that. So it was pretty traumatic, because you had because you don't, because because when we're looking in the mirror, the first thing we do is to see our face no. So that was really so my business with two years away from my business, everything died, there was no income, there was nothing coming in. And I didn't want to go back to the corporate arena, I didn't want to go back to working with managers, if the email was contracting, I didn't want to go back there. So then I decided to go into the marketing in the marketing and online business. And I thought, now I listened to all the bells and whistles and tried all these wonderful things and paid like probably pretty close to$100,000 in the last four years, or trying all these amazing marketing strategies. And, and it finally it fine. And I wasn't getting the traction that I was after I was following all the strategies I was following. And I'm a big implementer as well, I was implementing everything, lots and lots of investment. And then one day the penny dropped, the penny dropped. And the penny dropped was I was composed doing the same strategy as what the really highly, highly successful entrepreneurs were doing. But it wasn't working for me. And the reason why it's working wasn't working for me was because they're in a different place in their business, they already have the momentum going, they already have lots of social proof, lots of clients, they are spending 1000s of dollars on Facebook ads to generate that, you know, big budgets because they're in a different place than what a first year or second year, online business owners doing. And even though we can learn the same strategies, the big haha came to me was it's not about the strategy. It's about consistency, picking yourself up, keep going, determination, and having people around you. So that's what really took me it took me pretty close to three years to get that because I was thinking there was something wrong with me, you know, I'm buying all these courses and doing exactly and saying exactly the same stuff as what our people doing. But I forgot the element that they are established business, and they've been going a lot longer than what I had. And then if we had a conversation with them, they were probably in the same place as me when they first started their business as well. Yeah, beautiful. I mean, absolutely, I think you need to have a strategy because you need to know where you're going, you need to be intentional. But you need to have this consistency in following up in walking it and having the people around you that support you. So it needs both together, it's kind of a system that that needs to needs to work. Good. So Lee, um, since you're also in my sphere in my space, I would like to know from you, for everyone who is shifting from from being a corporate into into solopreneur ship. What needs to be in place when you build your own brand, your own personal brand, when you are the face of your own company. So are there any key branding essentials that you can give us as advice to take away? Sure. The first thing I would say to you is start doing your background information around your business and work at your idea while she was still employed, so do a slow transition. So you know, spend a couple of hours a night because it takes time to get that clarity of who you want to work with. You know, it's not that easy. You go yet and work with this person but you've got to read a lot to research, you have to look at a lot of the language they're using, obviously, their pain points, and how you're going to resolve those pain points. And that marketing piece to begin with Richard, that is so important, because it's the most frustrating as well, because you feel like you're going around in circles, sometimes with red as well. But the more you do it, the more clear you know, who you want to serve. And if they're aligned with your brand, like ultimate, my ethics like I want welcome anyone who is calling the ethics and things like that there's certain qualities and what I don't want to work with. But once you get a really good idea of who I caught them on my beloved clients, when you have a really good idea of who they are, and the problems that they exist, and they deep problems that they experience, and the pain that comes from those problems, and how you can solve it and talk to them. Yeah, that's, that's probably at least a three month process, before you even start to market yourself or anything else as well. So with the branding, the transition about it's all about finding the right person that you want to work with. Kidding to know them, listen to them, understand that is sitting in front of you, and you're having a conversation with them, and to be authentic. And the more you understand them, the more you'll be able to communicate to them, how you're going to solve their problems, and their identify with you. So then what happens is they're chasing you, and you're not chasing them, they're actually being attracted the law of attraction, they're actually being attracted to you. And then when you start seeing that happening, you seen your clients being attracted to you, then you can look at and maybe go into part time with your work, and then slowly transition out to a entrepreneur straightaway. Unless you're lucky enough to have enough finances to support you for at least a year without earning income. But if you're trying to earn income in your business straightaway, so you're operating from desperation, instead of inspiration, you're going to really be stressed because there's no magic pill, you need to be in the state of more abundance in order to get things going in a very positive mindset and being open and not in a fearful mindset of I have to pay my bills, and this and that. So it's good to keep your corporate job as long as possible. And then know, once you're ready, you feel like you have your customer, you can generate money, you can have your own income with your business, and then basically jump. Yeah, and what you say it's so important. First of all, know yourself who you are really do this, this deep soul Burke, discovering that define yourself, and what your vision and vision is, and then clarify who your ideal customer is. And the more you narrow it down, the more you are specific, the better you can serve, because you cannot serve everyone. And so I think that is so important, then there needs to be displayed this alignment of what you can offer to what the customer needs and desires. And that in a much better way than everyone else can do. And I think then you're on the safe side. But as you see, it takes time and at least three months. One year some for some it takes even more than that. But it's different. And everyone has a different pacing in that. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Yeah, of course, I'm a good there's always the odd person who can, who can jump up the game, but they probably already have the contacts already. You know, they may have for example, if you're in a corporate job, and you're hanging up the CEOs, and you want to go out and do the same work, but doing your own business. Well, of course, you've got the contacts, you've got the you've attracted the client already. So you so they're the majority. So if that's your situation, of course you can go for the cake lot faster, because all the groundwork has been done. Absolutely. So before we end our show, Lee, I would like to do a very quick word wrap with you. Are you ready to give me quick and short answers? Perfect. Online courses. Fantastic. mindset. Absolutely necessary. Then glorious. And powering. Amazing inspirational. Yeah, and last but not least, brands necessary. Great. So Lee, thank you so much for being on my show. Yeah, if anyone wants to find you, where would they find you? So you come to my, my website is just at least in, lots of information is there, or you can jump into my Facebook group. So my Facebook group is aspiring course creators, you'll see it there. Jump in jumping there as well undermine, namely stem. And I'll welcome everyone as well. Thank you so much, Lee. It was a pleasure having you here and sharing how you help your clients shine and telling us about your own personal story. And yeah, thank you so much for being here today. Thank you, Lee. And that was my conversation with Lee stem. If you liked my show, head over to and sign up or my newsletter to never miss n episode. I look forward to elcoming you in my community. lso, don't forget to subscribe o my brandstalk podcast on y ur preferred app, share it on s cial media, and if you find a m nute or two, leave a quick g ading or review. Thank you so m ch. I hope you will stay tuned i on the next episode. When we d ve into the world of brands.